Thursday, February 1, 2007

A city more expensive than a sackful of gold bricks

For someone who has been in this city long enough, the Hitec city region would come as a bit of a revelation. Back in the days when I used to head for school in our dilapidated buses, venturing into the Airport Area was a bit like venturing into the back of beyond. And that is where the current Hyderabad appears to get started these days. Why am I telling you all this?

Well, reason is part personal, part education. Well, all personal really.

There was this day about a couple of years ago when I was contemplating the purchase of a flat that was then in the region of about INR20Lacs (or 2 M Indian Rupees for the acronym-uninclined folks). I was out of money and definitely out of luck then. And that very property is going out for nearly INR60Lacs now. Sigh!!

Anyway, not to fret. Some other better things in life cost just about the same or even lesser now but you cant live in a DVD Player or a refrigerator, can you?! Someone did try but that experience did not quite work out to expectations.

Hope whatever is left of the work week fades off fast and we enjoy our weekends. Plan to head off into the countryside. That has been the plan for a couple of weeks now but could not get around doing that. Hope as always will prevail.

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