Monday, May 28, 2007

Blog revisited

Ugly Tuesday morning. Well, Tuesday morning really but ugly only because it marks the beginning of the evil of my life. That four letter word called work. What did you think??!

Over the past few days, I think I have woken up to reality about this blog. One that is pretty rational and reasonable but a little antithetic to the reason why people blog. I dont quite think I have it in me to write stuff day in and day out on what tickles the senses to the readers of this blog. I dont think I have the time to draft,redraft and put in place a few lines everyday that would bring in the traffic. So I have instead decided to treat this as my own impersonal diary. Not personal cos I wish some things to stay right inside my head and my soul and I'd rather not want it to become a public reading library of sorts.

So, here is what transpired over the past couple of days.

I have been able to catch the rerun of that series that makes me want to become a teenager again. The Wonder Years is playing again on Zee Cafe. That series, perhaps each episode, makes me think and want to go back and relive my life. That would be a big drudgery but I am sure there would be there little sparks of moments that I could possibly re enact. Ah, what else could I do while I battle my near thirities mid life crisis.

Caught a bit of Doogie Howser MD too after TWY but that will definitely be at Slot 2. TWY is way too good.

I also saw part of this movie, Baby Boom. Pretty normal storyline but Diane Keaton's potrayal brings that Woody Allenish sense of dry, hard hitting humor. Humor laced with irony about life. I could not paint my life through a movie but if I ever did, how I wish I could do it with the touch that Woody Allen does.

Nothing much really to add here except that if anyone, absolutely anyone has gotten this far, drop me a line.

Cheers till later. Be good.